Soon To Be The Popes!

Soon To Be The Popes!
One of my faves!

Sep 11, 2010

Remembering September 11

B and I have been watching several documentaries about September 11 leading up to today, the 9th anniversary of the devastating attacks on New York and DC.  It is almost unbearable to watch the stories of the heroes and survivors and relive what happened that day; I find it impossible not to cry both in sadness of the tragedy and in awe of the bravery that so many exhibited.  The stories of those that survived are amazing and the stories of those that didn't are reminders to the rest of us how precious this life is and how much each of us should be grateful for each day, each moment, each memory. 

Living in New York after the attacks made the attacks more personal in a way; I babysat for a little girl whose father died in the World Trade Center, I knew many others who had been in or near the towers that day, and simply living in the city itself made you realize how everyone was affected that day and the city was forever changed.  You didn't think about it every day, but you were certainly reminded in little ways of the impact 9/11 had on New York.

I am not really sure why, but watching the stories of survivors, and especially the memories of those who lost loved ones has been a lot more difficult for me this year, more so than any other.  I think being engaged might have something to do with it; thinking about those who lost loved ones is harder because it forces me to think about what it would be like to lose B.  Not that I didn't have loved ones before, but I guess I just respond to the survivor stories - especially the testimonials of the wives of people who were on the planes.  Ugh I get chills just thinking about it.

Today, I've thought a lot about those that died in the attacks, those who were affected by them and of course, those that continue to be affected by them.  This has caused me to reflect on the many things I have to be thankful for.  Here are a few of those things (in no particular order):
  • Parents who love me and have always supported me unconditionally; they have gone above and beyond in many ways and have enabled me to have many of the things I take for granted.
  • A wonderful, loving and thoughtful partner in B.  I told him last night that I am beyond grateful I got a second chance with him and look forward to a lifetime of memories.
  • My health and the health of my friends & family
  • A wonderful and diverse network of friends, who have been there through good times & bad and shared in laughs, tears & much fun over the years
  • The ability to live a fairly carefree life - without fear or major hardships
  • The freedom to be independent as a woman
  • Good food, including chick-fil-a, truffle french fries, popsicles and peanut butter
  • Good wine
  • The fact that we live close to most of our family, especially my brother & his family
  • My education
There are so many other things for which I am grateful and thankful, but it would be impossible to list them all here!  I am sure many of you have had similar thoughts today; it is hard not to reflect on all the good things we have in our lives, especially on this day.   We will never forget 9/11. 

1 comment:

  1. I love this post. However, not gonna lie, I burst out laughing when I read the part about Chick Fil A and popsicles. You should have thrown Bodos and Bel Air on there while you were at it :)

    It's true that getting married makes you weepier. Just wait for the pregnancy hormones - whoa.


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