I have a confession to make: I think wedding magazines are kind of dumb and boring.
Wait, what? Isn't every bride supposed to go ga-ga over bridal magazines and just looooove looking at them? Well, not this bride.
When I first got engaged, I bought every bridal magazine in site, I guess because I expected to love them. I tagged pages, ripped out a few pics...but that got old fast. I quickly realized that all the magazines are the basically same...plus reading magazines takes too much time for a busy girl to read, especially a busy girl who loves her DVR :)
Despite all of that, I just couldn't bring myself to throw the magazines away. I mean, what if I wanted to dig one out again? So they've been sitting in our bedroom for months. I was starting to feel like one of the women from hoarders, so I decided to chuck the entire pile. I mean honestly, I am never going back to re-read those bad boys.
Bye bye bridal magazines. It was fun for a moment:
Am I the only one who thought these magazines were pretty useless?
I hated them, too. They are all the same and mostly ads. Blogs are better for ideas :)