Soon To Be The Popes!

Soon To Be The Popes!
One of my faves!

Jul 29, 2010


Okay, I'm sorry, this is a dumb rant, but why is Chelsea Clinton's wedding getting so much press?  NO ONE CARES!  Honestly, why in the world is this wedding attracting so much publicity?  Why do sites like this even exist?  (and why is "will it rain" the number one feature?)

What?! I the only one that thinks this is dumb?

In other, much more important news ;) - Carla & I did a walk through of the church today and I was almost moved to tears just talking about actually getting married.  To B.  In that gorgeous, gorgeous church.  Great day. 

1 comment:

  1. Yeah I really have no idea. The Clintons are has beens anyway :) So excited for next June - eeeek!


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