Soon To Be The Popes!

Soon To Be The Popes!
One of my faves!

Aug 30, 2010

In Search Of...The Perfect Hostess Gift. Any ideas?

We've got an engagement party coming up in just a few weeks and I'm still search for the perfect hostess gift!  The party is actually a "triple engagement party", hosted by my parents and two of their closest couple friends, in honor of their three newly engaged children, B & myself included.  We all decided it would be easier (and way more fun) to do one big giant engagement party, instead of three separate ones.  We spend every Christmas Eve with these families and used to all vacation together at Wrightsville Beach, so we've all known each other for a long time; the kids have become great friends as we've become adults and always look forward to seeing each other.

So back the hostess gift.  I'm stumped!  I thought about just having all of the hosts over for dinner, but there is no way we'll fit 8 adults in our tiny dining room :(

Now I'm searching for "hostess" presents for the couples hosting the party.  It has to be appropriate for couples and not too expensive.  I think our back-up idea is a really nice bottle of wine for each couple, but I thought I'd see if any of yall have any fun ideas.

What would make a really great hostess gift for the couples hosting this party?!

(Here are some pics from xmas Eve a few years ago - all these people are super close to my heart!)

All of the "kids" at Xmas Eve
"The Girls"

"The Guys"

1 comment:

  1. I was going to suggest wine! What about a gift certificate to a restaurant in Charlotte? A crystal decanter (I just think they're so pretty and not something you buy yourself)? Crystal candlesticks or a vase (again, not something you by yourself)? I just like gifts that are either usable (food/wine) or something you can put on display but would never invest in yourself. Not sure if that helps!


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