Soon To Be The Popes!

Soon To Be The Popes!
One of my faves!

Aug 15, 2010

The Ingredients: BAND!

I don't know why this was such a difficult decision, but we had the hardest time picking out a band!  We liked tons of them, but seemed to find fault with most of them.  And then, several of our early favorites got booked up because we took so long to make a decision.  BUT, I'm proud to say that finally have a band and I could not be more excited.  I think they are the PERFECT choice!   I won't bore you with the details but this was one of my top choices originally but Beale veto'd them right away.  Turns out he didn't really know who they were...and when we randomly came across them earlier in the week he loved them.  I'm SO excited; can't wait to be on stage with them in less than a year ;)

Here's a link to their promo video from East Coast, Enjoy!

1 comment:

  1. I was just thinking this morning about when you'd make this big decision! Yeah! Can't wait!


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